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Archives of Head and Neck Surgery

Thyroid collision tumor: a case report of three histological types in the same patient

José Gabriel Miranda da Paixão, Gabriel Villas Boas dos Santos Tabosa, Carlos Augusto Moreira Silva

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Concomitant occurrence of two different carcinomas in the same organ is rare. Also, it is quite uncommon in thyroid. In this case, three histological types were diagnosed in the same specimen. A 57-year-old patient with a thyroid nodule history, diagnosed 2 years ago. After a suspicious fine needle aspiration cytological result, total thyroidectomy was performed and the histopathological analysis presented three divergent thyroid tumors. There are few thyroid collision tumors cases described, no one with three different histologic types. The lack of clinical information about it, compelled a judicious management, that guided to a satisfatory outcome.


case reports; pathology; surgical; thyroid cancer; papillary; thyroid gland


1. Dikbas O, Duman AA, Guvendi GF. Medullary thyroid carcinoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma in the same patient as a collision tumour. Case Rep Endocrinol. 2019;2019:4038628. PMid:30993022.

2. Brandwein-Gensler M, Urken M, Wang B. Collision tumor of the thyroid: a case report of metastatic liposarcoma plus papillary thyroid carcinoma. Head Neck. 2004;26(7):637-41. PMid:15229907.

3. Thomas A, Mittal N, Rane SU, Bal M, Patil A, Ankathi SK, Vaish R. Papillary and medullary thyroid carcinomas presenting as collision tumors: a case series of 21 cases at a tertiary care cancer center. Head Neck Pathol. 2021;15(4):1137-46. PMid:33840044.

4. Abdullah AM, Qaradakhy AJ, Ahmed MM, Salih AM, Omar SS, Kakamad FH, Rahim HM, Abdulla BA, Mohammed SH, Ahmed SF, Baba HO, Ishaac RH. Thyroid collision tumors: a case series with literature review. Ann Med Surg. 2022;76:103444. PMid:35299940.

5. Thomas V, George R. Collision tumors of the thyroid: Review of literature and report of a case of papillary–Follicular collision tumor. Thyroid Res Pract. 2018;15(2):60.

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